The Essential Dreaming Workshop

A comprehensive
introduction to dreams.

Most people discard dreams because they don't know they are of the Soul, not of the mind.

Allow your Soul to positively guide your waking life through dreams.

Choose to remember
your dreams.

We will inspire you to make a conscious choice to expand your capacity to remember and will share some extra tips.

Discover what is
possible in dreams.

Healing, inspired messages, exploration of potentials, confronting fears, transcending limitations, traveling to the past or the future, and so much more.

Understand the
language of the Soul.

Learn to discern the language of your Soul because everything you are is sacred, and everything you dream about is a piece of wisdom for yourself.

Recognize your feelings
upon awaking.

Most people forget that how we feel within a dream –or when waking up– is the most important information of all. Let us share why.

Learn to bring in
potentials from the
dream state.

We can consciously use our dreams to transform our physical reality, even if we don’t remember them when waking up.

Use dreams to transform your waking life.

The Dreaming

Learn about the 11 dreaming
landscapes, the ethereal
territories we visit in dreams

The Dreaming

Discover your dreaming profile, which is your unique dreamer identity, using The Dreamer Quiz.

The Dreamer

Open the gate to the dreaming landscapes with an energetic guided activation to shift your consciousness.

Who should attend?

Future dreamers, dream-fans, magic-seekers and anyone who enjoys content sprinkled with references to movies and pop culture in workshops.

Table of Contents

"I overcame the nightmares
because of my dreams."

– J O N A S E D W A R D S A L K

1. Dreaming essentials.
What are dreams? What is possible in dreams? Why dream?

2. The dreaming principles & paradoxes.
The laws of the land of dreams.

3. The history of dreams.
An exploration of how the different cultures in our era have approached dreams.

4. The dreaming landscapes.
An exploration of the ethereal territories we visit in dreams.

5. The dreaming profiles.
An exploration of how we journey through the dreaming landscapes.

6. The dreamer key.
Opening the gate to your dreaming landscapes.

7. Nightmares & bad dreams.
How to deal with ethereal monsters and stop being afraid of them.

"I overcame the nightmares
because of my dreams."

– J O N A S E D W A R D S A L K

Dream away.

The Path

Choose the workshop in
the calendar.

See the available workshops, formats, cities and dates.


Do a secure payment through PayPal or debit/credit card. If the workshop is face-to-face, spaces will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. After the payment has been completed, you will receive further instructions via email.

Get in touch.

If you want to pay via ACH in the US or you have any additional inquiry, dial or text +1 (302) 407 0112 or send an email to

Workshops on

If you want a workshop in your city, please send us an email and we will work with you on making it possible.

Workshops’ Calendar


All times are Central Standard Time for Mexico City, Mexico.
Check your local event launch time here: TIME & DATE.
Verified TEDW graduates can attend with a 50% discount. Get in touch at
By booking, you agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS hereby detailed.
For additional information CONTACT US.

We will notify you of workshops in your area.

"Reality is frequently

– D O U G L A S A D A M S

Your present dream-guides:

Workshops on Demand

If you want a workshop in your city, please send us an email and we will work with you on making it possible.

Florida | USA

During Marie’s career spanning external affairs, higher education, marketing, and communications, she has ideated, built, and scaled small, mid-size, and large events.

In 2008, Marie co-founded the EagleBank Bowl, a college football game which has generated well over $55 million in economic development for the Washington, DC region. 
Recently embarked on a meaningful life change leaving Washington D.C. after 20+ years for sunny Florida.

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You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

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Interested in donating in kind?
Interested in becoming an angel investor?

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Dreams are for real.

The Essential Dreaming Workshop

A comprehensive introduction to dreams.
Open the gate to your dreaming landscapes and learn how to use dreams to transform your waking life.

A workshop for future dreamers, dream-fans, magic-seekers and anyone who enjoys content sprinkled with references to movies and pop culture.

Building a dreamer’s app that is truly a dream takes a village.

 Everything will be tested beginning with the concept and continuing with the prototype, usability, CTAs, pricing, and satisfaction. We will also validate assumptions and discover new features.

From time to time you will receive instructions to complete some very simple and fun tests and invitations for short dreamer-interviews that will give us the feedback we need to continue building this dreamer’s dream.

Thank you for walking this path with us.

May all your dreams also come true, A Thousand Dream’s Team

Live inspired by your own dreams and the dreams of the world.

At A Thousand Dreams, we know that you want to derive meaning from your dreams. To achieve that, you need to document your dreams systematically and analyze the data. The problem is that doing so with ordinary tools is time-consuming and exhausting; even if you are persistent enough and manage to gain insights, keeping your dreams and findings to yourself is not that much fun.

We believe that the dreamers of this world deserve a tool that makes dream management easy, data analysis meaningful, sharing joyful, and research inspiring. After all, it is through dreams that we transform our reality and inspire a better world.

After years of documenting dreams, of observing how they build stories over time, and of marveling at the richness they offer when we look back on them, we know that you shouldn’t allow dreams to fade away and we also know how to spare you the unnecessary effort to derive meaning out of them.

Here’s how to do it:
1. When the app is ready, document your dreams easily with our recorder and speech-to-text converter, edit the transcription, fill out relevant fields, and add your personal tagging.

2. Analyze the data and track your progress with our temporal approach.

3. Share the dreams you choose to share and connect with other dreamers.


With only 11 USD reserve now the best deal on the app; it will be made available when we launch the crowdfunding campaign in July 2024. The MVP will be ready 6 months after we crowdfund enough investment capital and the evolution of the app will be a continual process of improvement.

Send us an email at if you are curious about this or if you are interested not only in reserving but also in donating or investing. We will be happy to hear from you.

In any case, make sure to discover your dreaming profile with our unique quiz. And when the time comes, stop feeling exhausted by dream exploration and instead live inspired by your own dreams and the dreams of the world.

May you live inspired by your dreams,

A Thousand Dreams’ Team

Dreaming is coming back in a whole new way.

In Egypt, Greece, Rome and so many other cultures in the world dream incubation was performed with the purpose of healing, retrieving lost parts of the soul, and receiving guidance. Not only were dreams professionally sought after in the more than 300 dreaming temples in and around The Mediterranean, but they were also bought and sold.

But the sacred nature of dreams, at one time recognized in every corner of the world, was progressively misunderstood, especially in Western civilization, until it became accepted that dreams were “unremarkable by-products of psychological disturbances or bad digestion that possessed no real value”.

At A Thousand Dreams, we believe that dreams are not only a source of inspiration and wisdom and a place for adventures, but also a path to enlightenment.; by remembering how to receive the wisdom they provide, we become our own gurus. No more need for healers, shamans, psychotherapists, or coaches because the inspiration we receive in dreams comes directly from our Soul.

Here’s how to do it:
1. Do The Dreamer Quiz, a tool that will help you understand your dreamer profile.

2. Read our unique approach to dreams in The Dreaming Landscapes and The Dreaming Profiles, a unique and very serious approach to how dreams actually work.

3. FREE Read Aberdeem’s blog on dreams, a personal sharing that exemplifies how dreams connect to daily life and vice versa.

4. FREE Watch A Thousand Dreams +1, a talk show on dreams, with dream enthusiasts from all over the world.

5. Take The Essential Dreaming Workshop online.

6. Join us at A Thousand Dreams closed Facebook group, share your adventures in dreams, and become inspired by what you learn from everybody else.

While all of this happens, we will continue working on the A Thousand Dreams App and will release it as soon as possible; you can see the DEMO VIDEO here.

In dreaming our dreams, we hope to make yours come true,

A Thousand Dreams’ Team

Stop looking for guidance outside of yourself and instead live inspired by your own dreams and the dreams of the world.

The Essential Dreaming Workshop Online

Terms & Conditions


Workshop imparted by Aberdeem; The Dreamer Key, an energetic activation, guided by Pilar Acevedo; assisted by a founding member of A Thousand Dreams.


We offer early bird and regular registration fees, apart from occasional offers and deals. Please refer to our webpage to view the current offering.

Price Includes

Registration fee, online live interaction, replays for three months after the event, and a PDF in English with the content outline.


Sessions at The Essential Dreaming Workshop Online will be conducted in English, and similarly, any material we share will have texts in English.


Completion of The Dreamer Quiz is required.

Cautionary Notice

The Essential Dreaming Workshop is not suitable for people having taken mood or mind-altering drugs, including anti-depressants and SSRI medications, for the past 18 months.

Cancellation Policy

Cancel anytime with a 10% discount for payment processing and administrative fees. Alternatively, transfer your spot to a friend or receive a certificate to attend a future class.

Intellectual Property

By booking a space to any of our events, workshops, or classes, or even by simply reading this information, you acknowledge, understand, and accept that A Thousand Dreams [A Thousand Dreams, Inc.] owns every right to the spoken word, concepts presented, recordings, illustrations, graphic design, branding, audio and video recordings. You also agree to not record, share, or disclose the content of any of the sessions.

You acknowledge that there is no guarantee of results, for your personal choice and consciousness affect change. You also declare to understand that whatever you experience in dreams as a result of exposing yourself to our teachings, is your sole responsibility.

For additional information or assistance in our registration process, please write to


May you live inspired by your dreams,

A Thousand Dreams’ Team

The Essential Dreaming Workshop

How can we help? Please let us know the specific questions that you have, and if necessary, know that we can coordinate a 15 minute Zoom call with you and expand on the topics of your interest.